2014 Annual General Meeting of the Foundation

Important documents here

2014 AGM, 28 October 2014, online at the following time:

5-6pm AWST (Western Australia)

7-8pm AEST (Queensland) 

7:30-8:30pm ACDT (South Australia)

8-9pm AEDT (Tasmania, Victoria, ACT, New South Wales)


All Foundation members are cordially invited to attend the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Foundation to be held online. Details of online participation will be forwarded directly to members by e-mail.

Agenda for the 2014 AGM:

  1. Opening Welcome & Apologies
  2. Confirmation of Minutes from last AGM 
  3. Annual Report for 2013/’14
  4. Privacy Policy – a revised version is submitted for consideration and will be decided by resolution
  5. Constitution –  a revised version is submitted for consideration and will be decided by special resolution
  6. Election of Office Bearers & Committee Members
  7. General Business.

We will forward complete details before the meeting, but we can tell you the following now:

  • we will send you a website address that you will open in the web browser on your computer
  • you will complete a simple registration form to enter the meeting
  • the meeting will be interactive with the capability for Q&A
  • for the best experience, it is recommended to use:

    • a computer that provides good audio and video performance
    • with a direct broadband Internet connection (Wi-Fi is not recommended)
    • a headset with microphone rather than the computer’s inbuilt mike and speakers.

If you are not computer savvy or don’t have an adequate set up, ask your family or friends to help you participate in this meeting.


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