An irreverent view of life from a wheelchair

HSP community member writes a book

Ted O’Hare

Ted O’Hare, long-term HSP Foundation community member, said “with urging from my family and friends, I have written a book The View From My Wheelchair: An Irreverent View of My Life with a Progressive Neurological Condition that describes my journey with HSP and my transition to a fulltime wheelchair user. This is my take on how HSP has impacted me and my family but is a slightly humorous view of working, socialising, and how the public react to me in a wheelchair. I have enjoyed writing it and learned a lot about me and how others see me.

The book is available here.

Community member Ken Price had this to say about the book “the book is about the fact Ted has a disability which has him in a wheelchair. His approach is positive and he highlights that he has otherwise had a normal life – family, mortgage, career and now retirement. He writes from his perspective of things, from personal experiences. It is a good read with a balance of humour as well as being straight to the point. Ted acknowledges that he has experienced generosity and helpfulness from people he has come across. This is a good read.”

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