Baclofen Pump Teleconference

Baclofen Pump Teleconference

from Medtronic, the makers of the Baclofen Pump . . . .

If you or someone you care for has tight, stiff muscles related to  stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, or brain injury you know that this condition (called severe spasticity) can make movement difficult or uncontrollable. It can make doing even the smallest things exhausting or impossible.

Did you know that there is a therapy available that may help provide better movement and control?

You are invited to learn about Medtronic ITB TherapySM (Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy) by participating in an educational teleconference during which a doctor will talk about severe spasticity, explain how the therapy works, and discuss recent research on the treatment.

A teleconference allows you to listen to and speak with a physician and others living with spasticity on the phone, from the comfort of your home. Once you register, you will receive a toll-free number to call to participate in the teleconference.  Note to non US residents – this call will be charged at international rates to the US by your provider.
Family and friends are welcome to listen in.

The teleconferences will be held on:

2007 Dates:

August 14
October 9 (Pediatric Focus)
November 13

2008 Dates:

January 8
February 12
March 11
April 8 (Pediatric  Focus)

The teleconferences will be held at 7 p.m. Eastern time (USA) which is 11 a.m. EST (+ 1 day) in Australia.

To register, visit or call toll free 1-888-743-8348.  From Australia, this is not a free call and the number to dial is 0011 1 888 743 8348.

To make sure the information you request from this event goes straight to your email inbox, please add [email protected] to your address book. Thank you!

We hope you find this information valuable. However, if you wish to be removed from Medtronic’s severe spasticity mailing list, please click here <>  or send a request in writing to Medtronic 710 Medtronic Parkway – LN275 Minneapolis, MN 55432 USA

 Your privacy is important to us. To read our privacy policy, visit: <> .
 Important Safety Information <;ConditionName=Severe+Spasticity>

Lioresal® is a registered trademark of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation.