Beating the Blues


Support is available for anyone who may be depressed or for a family member or carer who may be concerned about someone by calling:

beyondblue 1300 22 46 36 – information & referral service; not counselling; information on depression in languages other than English can be obtained from the website.

SANE Helpline 1800 18 7263 – information, referral and advice; not counselling.

Lifeline 131 114 – 24hr phone counselling service.

Salvo Care Line 1 300 363 622 – 24hr phone counselling service and referral.

All these services are completely confidential.


Websites a free, interactive, online self-help guide



Beating the Blues: A Self-Help Approach to Overcoming Depression by Susan Tanner and Jillian Ball

Publisher: Doubleday
ISBN-13: 9780646366227