Bike Skills Program for HSP kids

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Monash Children’s Hospital, Victoria


Monash Children’s Hospital in Victoria runs a highly successful Bicycle Skills Program, the brainchild of physiotherapist Rachel Toovey. “We had a growing number of children and their families requesting to learn how to ride a bike” Ms Toovey said. “It was something they wanted to do with their family or friends, or a bike education program at school was coming up and they didn’t want to be the only kid with training wheels.” Rachel said most children learned to ride on their own after three days.


While the main focus of the program has been kids with cerebral palsy, kids with HSP and similar conditions are also welcome to participate. Young HSP community member Ryan is a graduate of the program and is featured in the video.


It is a school holiday program run over 3 consecutive days at Fregon Reserve, Browns Rd, Clayton (at the back of Monash Children’s Hospital). It has been running for more than 5 years with well over 100 children having participated. The goal is to develop the skill to be able to ride a two-wheel bike. Children aged 6 – 15 years with neuro-motor difficulties (such as cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, HSP) who are able to walk independently without aids are eligible to participate.


For more information on the referral process to get into the program, contact Rachel or Melanie.

There is also a program run by the Rehabilitation Department at the Royal Children’s Hospital for VPRS clients. See for more information.

If you think this is a great idea, but you don’t live in Melbourne, what about taking the lead in your area to get a bike program like this going? Contact the Foundation with the best number to call you on and we can share some ideas to help get started.


1 comment

  1. It is a great for kids to learn how to ride a Bike without training wheels. it gives them skills that assist them and they feel confident .

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