Making life easier for carers
Carer Gateway is an initiative of the Federal Government Department of Social Services with the aim of making life easier for carers.
They will connect you with a new Australia-wide network of service providers. They will talk through what you need and help you to find local services and support to help you.
See the list of service providers in each State and Territory.
To register, call: 1800 422 737 or visit:
Carers can access:
- Counselling- Debrief, learn communication tools and self-care practices
- Peer connection – 5 weeks of sessions
- Coaching – 1 to 1 coaching to help you towards a special goal
- Carer Directed supports – eg: domestic assistance, equipment hire short term, lawn mowing, planned respite
- One-Off Practical – practical items, eg: school uniforms for young carers, microwave, vacuum, lap tops, phones. – all linked to your carer needs and the assessment/planning conversation.
- Emergency respite – emergency situations, stress, injury – to the carer. Also, Short term emergency respite care is available if you are a carer experiencing an urgent, unplanned event that temporarily restricts your ability to continue in your caring role.
- Payments for some carers in certain circumstances.