City 2 Surf challenge

Support your fellow HSPers

Inspirational community members Therese, Chris and Ken are challenging their HSP by participating in major sporting events. Let’s get behind them and show our support at the websites listed below.

We should all be so proud of three members of our community – Therese Bligh, Chris Hall & Ken Price – who, with the support of their families and friends, are challenging limitations that HSP imposes and raising funds for HSP research at the same time through participation in events. Therese and Ken are also on the Foundation Committee.

These three champions are also featured in the Member Profiles section on the website homepage, where you can learn more about them as people. Just click on their thumbnail photos to read their profiles.

Therese’s Terriers – City2Surf, coming up August 8th.

Sam, David & Matt with Therese

Therese says: “Just wanted to let you all know we are competing in the City to Surf in Sydney on the 8th August, my team is called Therese’s Terriers and we would love your support.

Robin our wonderful, industrious former President is walking the 14km with my two boys and three nephews. My husband David was competing too, but has injured himself training and will be on the sidelines providing moral support.

So as an HSP family, lets show our marvellous former President Robin how much we appreciate what he has done for us and what he continues to do to try and make this maddening disease a thing of the past and support him and my Terrier’s in this fight against HSP.

This is the link to the website

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Cheers, Therese (and her Terriers)”

Chris Hall – City2Surf, coming up August 8th.


Chris says: “I have previously run the City2Surf on six occasions and whilst it is a difficult start with the number of participants and the necessity to have strong dodging and weaving skills, the end result it quite rewarding.

I am looking forward to walking the event this year and I just hope Campbell Parade does not affect my finish. I hope there is a light or two left on at the finish line.”

This is the link to the website:

Thanks to all my supporters!”

Ken Price – Gold Coast Half Marathon, held July 4th, 2010


Ken says: “I undertook the Gold Coast Half Marathon (21km) on 4 July to test my ability to complete such a challenge. With my three adult sons, Geoff, Scott and Matthew, we started the race in company with over 8,000 other runners at 6am. I am happy that I finished. Unfortunately at the 14km mark, I developed a twinge (I jinked to avoid someone who ran across my path) in the upper right leg that slowed me down to a walk/run for the remainder (apart from a sprint over the finish line). At that point, my youngest son Matthew who was running with me and I were coasting for a 2 hour 5 finish – my target was 2hr 10. Geoff my older son finished in 1 hr 40 and my other son, Scott 1 hr 50min. I will have to leave the challenge of 2 hr 10min for next year (if I do it again).

I was the last family member to finish in 2 hours 23 minutes and was proud of this achievement and the fact that my sons and I had done it together. My wife Helen was on hand when we returned to provide a much needed breakfast as well as the necessary soothing comments to ease the cramps, aches and pains that followed in the cool-down phase.

before the race - Scott, Geoff, Matt & Ken

This is the fourth year I have been involved with the Gold Coast event, having completed the 10km run in the previous 3 years. I am thinking I may return to that event next year (one half marathon may be enough) and see if I can improve on my personal best time of 52 minutes in 2009.

I will let my sons tackle the longer event with the possibility that Geoff might enter the full marathon next year. With the family getting older and having their own responsibilities, the Gold Coast Marathon event has commenced a family tradition where the family and partners can get together to share a short holiday and associated activities. Geoff, Scott and Matt took the football down to the beach on the Saturday afternoon, swam together (too cold for Mum and Dad) and had a good time.”

all smiles at the end - Geoff, Ken Matt & Scott

Editor’s Note: Ken sought support this year for his undertaking by approaching colleagues and friends. Unfortunately the Foundation was tied up with government red tape in Queensland and could not get approval to fund raise in Queensland before the event took place, meaning no Everyday Hero website available to raise funds.

Ken came 280th out of 306 in the 50-54 year old Men category. This means that 28 so-called able-bodied men in his age group finished behind him — that’s quite an achievement! If you are as proud of Ken as we are, and would like to acknowledge this fabulous effort, why not support Therese or Chris’ City2Surf fundraising and mention Ken in your comment?

1 comment

  1. This is wonderful. My name is Mike Brangwynne from Freetown, MA, USA. I have HSP and did a 20 mile “walk for hunger” in my wheelchair and got over 1,000 in donations. Be strong and we can change the world.

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