Fampyra may improve HSP mobility

Preliminary study delivers promising results


This study of 12 HSPers in France resulted in half of them showing significant improvement in walking speed and gait mechanics, and half without. They all received 10mg/twice a day dalfampridine (known in Australia as Fampyra and used with Multiple Sclerosis) for 2 weeks. While these are promising results, it was not a clinical trial, but suggests that one to fully test the drug for use with HSP is called for.



Our aim was to support the use of dalfampridine as a treatment for patients affected with hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). We performed a prospective, uncontrolled, proof of concept, open trial. We included 12 HSP patients defining the total group (TG) who received dalfampridine 10 mg twice daily for 2 weeks.


Efficacy assessment was based on walking ability improvement. The Timed-25-Foot Walk Test, the Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale (SPRS), and the 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12) were performed before and after treatment. Safety assessment was based on adverse events occurrence.


A significant improvement in SPRS (p = 0.0195) and MSWS-12 (p = 0.0429) was noted after treatment in the TG. No serious adverse events were noted. This interventional study provides encouraging results supporting the use of dalfampridine in HSP.


SOURCE: J Neurol. 2015 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25808501 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]


Dalfampridine in hereditary spastic paraplegia: a prospective, open study.


Béreau M1, Anheim MChanson JBTio GEchaniz-Laguna ADepienne CCollongues Nde Sèze J.


1 Département de Neurologie, CHRU de Besançon, Besançon, France.


  1. I have used Ampyra twice for two months at a time. I never saw any improvement. I think that Ampyra (dalfampridine) is the same.

  2. I tried Fampridine or one of the same for 4 weeks
    and there was no help with my walking or anything else.
    It gets a bit confusing with all the names.

  3. I also trialled Fampyra a couple of years ago for 6 weeks and found no improvement. You have to try these things otherwise we’ll never know what works. Hopefully it can help some HSPers.

  4. This sounds positive but be covered on MBS because the drug is only listed for MS. For us it will cost a mint.

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