Dance for Parkinson’s

An inspiring initiative


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Check out the uplifting four-minute video on this website get a real sense of the power of this activity to make people living with a neurodegenerative condition feel better and feel good about themselves.

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Dance for PD®, an initiative of the Brooklyn Parkinson Group in New York together with the Mark Morris Dance Group, offers dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease in Brooklyn, New York and, through a network of partners and associates, in more than 75 other communities around the world.



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In Dance for PD® classes, participants are empowered to explore movement and music in ways that are refreshing, enjoyable, stimulating and creative.


An on-going non-profit collaboration between the Mark Morris Dance Group and the Brooklyn Parkinson Group, the Dance for PD® program also provides teacher training and nurtures relationships among other organizations so that classes based on this model are widely available.

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