Healthy and active lifestyle

Online seminar this Thursday, 6 Sept.


Webinar (on-line seminar) this Thursday, 6 September 2012, 5–6 AM AEST provided by the National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) in the USA.


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Speaker: Erena DiGonis, LMSW, CHC; Licensed Psychotherapist and Certified Health Coach

Don’t let the daily grind get you down. This 60-minute interactive webinar will offer people living with disabilities helpful strategies to bring peace and balance to their lives. It’s never too late to discover new paths to happiness and success; grab life by the horns; and shoot for your dreams.

Plus, we’ll explore ways to…
• extend empathy to yourself as easily as you extend it to others.
• cultivate a deep, loving and reverent relationship with yourself.
• quiet self-doubt and tap into your own intrinsic wisdom.
• explore fears, blocks and ways that we sabotage our success.

Isn’t it time you’ve realized your potential? We’ll show you how.




  1. Hi there, I missed the webinar and wonder if it is hosted somewhere else to watch as it sounds like it covered some really great topics.

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Stacey, the webinar was produced by the National Spinal Cord Injury Association in the USA They have multiple learning resources on their website, including an archive of their webinar series The recent one has not yet been archived, but it will be in due course. Webinars can be viewed as video download and also as both a PDF file on the webinar and a PDF transcript.

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