HSP Webinar Series 2022

A Neuro Physio’s Role in HSP Management

Learn how physiotherapy can help with HSP in this first of our HSP Webinar Series for 2022.

Over 100 people participated in the webinar in early February – A Neuro Physio’s Role in HSP Management. Participants were split about 70/30 between people with HSP/family and medical professionals, all keen to explore making things better when living with HSP.

The session was presented by neurological physiotherapists Hannah and Kumbelin from the Advance Rehab Centre in Sydney, and featured case studies of two of their HSP patients.

The engaging presentation prompted a lengthy and enthusiastic Q&A session … it’s all in the video!


  1. Great webinar!!! I learned all sorts of things and am motivated to try some new stuff. I have a question which may or may not have been asked by others: What might the physios suggest as a cardio workout for HSPers? Heart health is important for everyone but my ability to move quickly is limited… Thank you.

    1. Editor’s Note: Neuro physio Hannah replies – “Great question and it is absolutely important to continue to incorporate a cardio workout into your routine. There are lots of ways in which this can be done (all dependent on level of function).

      Wheelchair based cardio exercises may involve more upper limb target such as the arm pedals/arm crank, seated boxing, seated ski erg, seated rowing (gym machine or with resistance bands at home).

      For someone with limited use of lower limbs – recumbent exercise bike, supported sit to stands (quickly), hoist support walking on treadmill (at clinic).

      For those more independent – upright bike, boxing, ski erg, rowing, treadmill and I really like the cross trainer as it is non impacting and incorporates arms and legs.

      Apart from the hoist – supported walking on the treadmill, the local gym will have much of this equipment. There are also creative workarounds or relatively cheap equipment to achieve the same result at home. Hope this is helpful and please reach out if there are any further questions.”

  2. Great video Frank. Very practical. It shows that there are options for affected people to improve their mobility and quality of life. Thanks

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