HSPers fundraising

Report on two fundraisers – a special birthday and a great lunch


Narelle, son Benjamin and Ian
Narelle, son Benjamin and Ian

Long-standing HSP community member Ian Brock celebrates a milestone Birthday and raises money for HSP research.


Ian from Brisbane recently celebrated his 60th birthday and asked guests to give towards HSP research rather than buy presents for him. Thanks to the generosity of the Mitchelton Churches of Christ, a venue was provided that was able to accommodate the 150 guests for a well-catered morning tea.



Family, relatives and friends were among the guests who heard about Ian’s life over 60 years and a number of photographs, items and awards were on display including 2 recumbent handcycles that Ian built himself.
Well over $3,000 was raised, which is fantastic! Ian acknowledged the guests for their attendance to help him celebrate the occasion and to thank them for their generosity in supporting HSP research.



On behalf of the whole HSP community, happy 60th birthday Ian and thank you, your family and friends for the funds!


Successful fundraising lunch in the Hunter region


A successful fundraising lunch was held in the Hunter region at the end of August, hosted by Therese Bligh, an inaugural committee member of the Foundation.


lunch goers having a great time
lunch goers having a great time


The fundraising lunch on the 16th of August was a real success. We had a capacity crowd of 85 and raised $5,000!! Yahoo!! The venue was superb & because the Toronto Country Club gave us the venue free of charge, all the money raised could go back to our cause, so thanks to them and really very much appreciated! It was a lovely, friendly setting enjoyed by all.  A special personal thank you to Anne & Shelly from the club who did a great job & made sure everything was in place for a great day.


The feedback was amazing, the food was delicious and great raffle prizes that were generously donated by businesses in the Lake Macquarie/Hunter Valley area kept the crowd delighted.  Our psychic medium Susanna Steel did an excellent job, she performed what’s called a platform reading (group reading) connecting with three people with real accuracy. It was very eye-opening and entertaining. I hope this encourages others to take on their own fundraising activities big or small.  Just go for it, ’cause once you get on a roll it’s amazing how everything falls into place and how great you feel that you have tried to make sure we reach our research funding target and not just leave it up to others!!!


With great friends and family helping make the day run smoothly and all guests so thrilled with the raffle prizes – people couldn’t believe how consistently good they were – everyone had a great day.



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