Innovative mobility device

Flexible configurations for standing or sitting

An innovative mobility device has hit the market with distributors in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, the NT and the ACT.

from the company …

The all new Tek RMD M1 is not a wheelchair alternative, but a brand new mobility platform that completely reimagines the way individuals with walking disabilities are able to move in the world. The ability to independently and safely sit, stand, and navigate environments that were once inaccessible, is now possible, safe, and available in many places around the world. The all new Tek RMD M1 comes in an indoor and outdoor model, with an optional motorized electric lift and foldable seat. Tek RMD M1 is a patented, CE Marked, and FDA 510(k) cleared technology.

The Tek RMD M1’s small footprint allows users to go places and reach items otherwise unavailable in a standard wheelchair whether at home or at work. By minimizing the renovation required for living spaces the Tek RMD M1 often decreases overall costs to living with a walking disability.


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