June fundraising success

Kokoda track adventure contributes


June fundraising campaign



Responding to the astounding generosity of one couple in the community who offered to match donations dollar-for-dollar to $30,000 in the June fundraising campaign, community members turned in a superlative effort with a total of $66,000 being raised.


The fundraising gauge is now sitting at $98,000 so far for the year, with a revised total target of $120,000. We have spent more on research in the last 2 years than we have brought in through community giving, so we’re going to need every cent of that in the push to fund clinical trials.


To that end, we are looking to build on the momentum of the June campaign in the end of year campaign in December.



Kokoda track adventure


Ed crossing a vine bridge
Ed crossing a vine bridge

Ed and his family from Sydney are long-term members of the HSP community. Ed took on the challenge of the Kokoda track at the end of May with one of his goals to raise money for HSP research. Ed and Janet have 2 children, two of whom have HSP.


They have been solid supporters of the Foundation and HSP research over the years. It raised an astounding $17,000 from the challenge through his network of family and friends.


Here is Ed’s story:

On the Kokoda track
On the Kokoda track


After 8 solid days of trekking I’m pleased to say I conquered the Kokoda track – just!!

It was a wonderful life experience for me:

  • The physical / mental challenge was quite significant.  After the first full day of trekking from 7.30 am until about 5.00 pm I was sure I was in the wrong place. However, with reducing weight in my pack each day and ably assisted by my fantastic porter Jasper I got better each day.
  • The beauty of the region is something to behold with pristine rainforest, beautiful rivers and streams, very colourful birdlife and insects / butterflies.
  • The mountain people still live a subsistence life with no power sources other than open fires but wonderful people who seem to be very happy.
  • Then the emotional journey in understanding the huge challenges the soldiers from both sides fought in these extreme conditions goes beyond  description.
With Jasper at the finish
With guide Jasper at the finish


All I can say is that if you think you might like to do this then you must.


The sum total of donations was a massive $17,000, which was well above the $10,000 target. Thanks to my friends for their generosity to this very worthwhile cause – The HSP Foundation – I appreciate it very much.


I have attached a few photos of the trip.


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