National Disability Advocacy Program

What supports are available

The Department of Social Services has a National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) offering different types and forms of advocacy for people with disability.

The main points of the program:

Approaches to Disability Advocacy:

  • Citizen advocacy: matches people with disability with volunteers.
  • Family advocacy: helps parents and family members advocate on behalf of the person with disability for a particular issue.
  • Individual advocacy: upholds the rights of individual people with disability by working on discrimination, abuse and neglect.
  • Legal advocacy: upholds the rights and interests of individual people with disability by addressing the legal aspects of discrimination, abuse and neglect.
  • Self advocacy: supports people with disability to advocate for themselves, or as a group.
  • Systemic advocacy: seeks to remove barriers and address discrimination to ensure the rights of people with disability.

NDAP agencies can also assist with issues that may arise with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or with service providers. They list participating agencies by State.

Disability Advocacy Fact Sheet

The Disability Advocacy Fact Sheet articulates the agreed position between the Department of Social Services and the National Disability Insurance Agency. It outlines what disability advocacy is, why it is important and why independence matters.

Find an Advocacy Agency (Ask Izzy)

Agencies are funded to provide disability advocacy support in specific geographic areas. The Disability Advocacy Finder is a web-based application that has been developed to assist people with disabilities, carers and their families, to search for Commonwealth and state and territory government funded disability advocacy agencies.

NDAP and the NDIS

NDAP agencies based in NDIS sites may have additional roles, such as assisting people through the planning and internal review processes with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Funding has been provided via the NDIS Appeals program to support people with disability who seek an external review of NDIA decisions through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, which is an important mechanism to ensure that decisions are fair and robust.

Information about the Disability and Carer Support Activity, which includes the NDAP, is available in the Disability, Mental Health and Carers Program Guidelines.

Assessments of eligibility for NDIS packages is ongoing and a whole of Australian Government approach will see further advances made in the areas of employment, child and family wellbeing, and training. This will increase residents’ awareness of Australian Government funded disability advocacy support.

Further Information about NDAP

Further information about NDAP can be obtained by viewing the video – National Disability Advocacy Program, Advocacy for people with disability or by contacting the Department via:


Disability, Employment and Carers Group
Department of Social Services
GPO Box 9820
Canberra ACT 2601


[email protected](link sends e-mail)

Disclaimer: The Foundation presents this information in good faith but cannot attest to the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or effectiveness of the information, resources and services referenced in the article. Feedback in the Comments at the bottom of this article is welcomed from community members with experience of the program.

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