National Disability Insurance Scheme

Now it’s a certainty!

Every government in Australia, both State and Federal, have signed up to the NDIS, except for Western Australia as of the start of June 2013.


While the politicking and the rhetoric from the WA government is disgraceful, hopefully they will sign up sooner rather than later, making the scheme universal and equal for all Australians with disability.

Through a half percent increase in the Medicare levy, funding for the NDIS has been secured for the long-term. It will be launched as DisabilityCare Australia in July. The May budget announced $14.3 billion over 7 years to roll out the scheme.

Once the scheme is fully rolled out, it will provide support for around 460,000 people who have a significant and permanent disability that affects their communication, mobility, self-care or self-management.

DisabilityCare Australia’s charter is to provide people with disability, their families and carers the care and support they need over their lifetimes, and choice and control over the services they receive.

In 2019-20, the first year of full implementation, the NDIS is projected to cost $22.2 billion with the Federal Government contributing 53% and the States 47%.

The NDIS will mean people with a disability and their family and carers should get the support they need when they need it. It should end the waiting lists, fund necessary equipment and improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians.

Economists have said that the scheme is in fact a good investment as the opportunity for work, and the ensuing productivity of people living with disability will significantly add to GDP. A positive spin-off is that being more self-sufficient, hundreds of thousands of others will also have more time for work. It is estimated that the scheme will lead to 220,000 new jobs when fully operational.

Every Australian with a disability now knows that their fellow Australians are committed to them, and to making sure they have the same chances, choices and opportunities that most Australians take for granted.

For more information about DisabilityCare Australia, the rollout of the scheme from 1 July 2013 and specific information for service providers:


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