NDIS update

The Budget, State rollouts and more

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The 2016 Federal Budget was announced on Tuesday 3 May. What does this mean for the NDIS?

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The Government reaffirmed its commitment to fully funding the National Disability Insurance Scheme. To meet future costs of the NDIS the Government is establishing an NDIS Savings Fund. The 2016-17 Budget puts $2.1 billion into this fund. The Treasurer said:

“To meet the future costs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme we are establishing an NDIS Savings Fund. This fund will hold unspent funds from the NDIS as well as the proceeds of savings measures from better targeting our welfare spending. These funds can then be reinvested back into delivering the NDIS and contribute to filling the current funding gap that exists.”

So, is that enough?
It’s a first step, but it’s not the full funding needed. The Government’s own calculations show that an extra $4.4 billion must be found in 2019-20 and more than $5 billion each year after that.

Does that mean the NDIS will be held up?
The funds needed to begin the full roll out from 1 July this year are there. It will absolutely go ahead in just a few weeks time. The funds still to be committed are for when the NDIS is there for everyone in the future.

Disability Support Pension (DSP) reforms and its link to funding the NDIS
Some disability groups have raised concerns about the DSP reforms and its link to funding the NDIS.
Australian Federation of Disability Organisations CEO Matthew Wright said: “People with disability want to work, but that will only happen if the government has a jobs plan, not a welfare plan.  Read more about
 the Budget


A consistent approach to early childhood early intervention

For the first time, a nationally consistent approach to supporting children with developmental delay or disability will exist with the release of the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s (NDIS) Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Approach.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has worked with some of Australia’s leading early childhood intervention practitioners and researchers to design a best-practice approach that is family-centred and importantly, supports children to achieve good outcomes on a case-by-case basis. Read more … 


Disability Discrimination Commissioner is back

Alistair McEwin

Deaf Society president and chairman of the Disability Council of NSW, Alistair McEwin, has been appointed as the new full time Disability Discrimination Commissioner.

Having a standalone Disability Discrimination Commissioner is welcome news since it became a combined portfolio in 2014 when then Commissioner Graeme Innes’ term expired. Calls from the disability community about this position have been heard.

Newly appointed Commissioner McEwin has been a consistent and respected advocate for people with disability, and as a deaf person he has an intimate understanding of the experiences and needs of people with disability.
Read more… 



NDIS roll out in Queensland

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The Commonwealth and Queensland governments signed a Bilateral Agreement for the roll out of the NDIS across Queensland on March 16, 2016.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will progressively roll out across Queensland over a three year period.

From 1 January 2016, early transition to the NDIS has been available in the Local Government Areas of Townsville City, Charters Towers Regional Council and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire. From 1 July 2016, the NDIS will roll out across the rest of Queensland geographically. Read more …  


Roll out of the NDIS across the Northern Territory

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The full roll out of the NDIS across the Northern Territory in the next three years is now guaranteed with a new bilateral agreement between the Commonwealth and Territory governments signed in early May 2016.

The announcement will gives certainty to people with disability and their loved ones across the NT. With the agreement in place they can begin to prepare for the NDIS knowing when it will be rolled out in their area.

The Northern Territory is the second last state or territory to sign their agreement with the Commonwealth. Now it’s just Western Australia to sign theirs. Last week Minister Porter indicated the WA NDIS agreement would be signed before the end of the year. Read more…



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