Mixed news over the last quarter
For the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) there has been both good news and bad news over the past 3 months.

14 July 2015
Queensland announces early launch of NDIS
The Queensland Government has announced $1.9 million for “the early launch of a National Disability Insurance Scheme”. Details of where the NDIS would be launched or when were not included in the announcement – which is part of the Government’s 2015-16 State Budget package.
“The NDIS is the biggest social reform since Medicare, changing the lives of people with disability and creating up to 13,000 jobs in the state’s disability sector,” Queensland Disability Minister, Coralee O’Rourke, said. “It’s essential Queenslanders are ready for this transition, and an early launch will allow us to test the roll-out process and see how the scheme will operate in Queensland,” she said.
“This will give us vital information about how we can transition to the full NDIS across the rest of the state from 1 July 2016.”
Ms O’Rourke said Queensland had also allocated $25 million for disability housing in the Budget. People with disability in Queensland are eagerly awaiting more details about the launch site and kick off date.
15 July 2015
Fed Govt refuses to cover NDIS funding shortfall in South Australia
Funding problems over the National Disability Insurance Scheme trial are escalating in South Australia.
The Commonwealth now says it won’t honour an agreement signed by the Gillard government to cover any funding shortfall.
The state’s trial is running months behind schedule because the South Australian Government underestimated the number of children who would be eligible.
And the Federal Government says that error by the State Government that has caused the backlog and so doesn’t constitute a “cost overrun”.
Source: The World Today (ABC)
NDIS New World Conference
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is holding its first national conference and trade show – NDIS New World, Disability in the 21st Century – to be held at the Brisbane Conference and Exhibition Centre from 27 to 29 October 2015.
The conference reflects the Agency’s commitment to support the positive transformation of Australia’s disability sector, underpinned by a dedicated culture and the effective use of technology.
The focus of this conference will be on the role technology will play in delivering positive and efficient outcomes for people with disability.
This ground breaking international gathering will bring together over 1500 people with disabilities, service providers and ICT vendors all focused on being part of the revolution.
The NDIA holds regular events to inform the general public, potential participants, their families and carers, and providers.