Dr. Kishore Kumar is a neurologist and neurogeneticist at the Garvan Institute and Concord Repatriation General Hospital. He has worked on HSP since his Ph.D. studies in 2011-2014 at Royal North Shore Hospital with Prof Carolyn Sue and Prof Christine Klein, investigating the use of targeted gene panels for genetic testing in HSP. He subsequently… Continue reading Dr Kishore Kumar
Category: Foundation Research Team
Dr Sue-Faye Siow
Dr. Sue-Faye Siow is a neurologist who is also training in clinical genetics and completing a research Ph.D. investigating biomarkers in HSP. Sue-Faye works as a neurologist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney and is a clinical genetics fellow at Westmead Hospital in Sydney. Sue-Faye began working in the HSP Research Program in… Continue reading Dr Sue-Faye Siow
Dr Gautam Wali
Dr. Gautam Wali is a neuroscientist who began working in the HSP research program in 2011 in Prof Alan Mackay-Sim’s team at the National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research at Griffith University. Starting as a postgraduate candidate doing his Ph.D., Gautam studied the disease-mechanism in SPG4 olfactory stem cells. He developed new tests and… Continue reading Dr Gautam Wali
Dr Rebecca Schüle
Dr Rebecca Schüle is a neurogeneticist who has collaborated with this Foundation since 2015 and actively been a part of the HSP Research Program since 2017. Rebecca is the leader of the Genomics of Rare Movement Disorders research group within the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research at the University of Tübingen in Germany. Whilst… Continue reading Dr Rebecca Schüle
Prof Carolyn Sue
Prof Carolyn Sue is a neurologist who combines clinical work seeing patients with research work on a number of neurodegenerative conditions, including HSP. Carolyn has been a Co-Principal Investigator on the HSP Research Program since the beginning in 2008. She has collaborated closely on research projects with Prof Alan Mackay-Sim over many years. After graduating… Continue reading Prof Carolyn Sue