Participate more in the HSP community

Submit a Community Member profile


One of the things people say they enjoy seeing most on the website is the Community Member profiles. HSPers are naturally interested in and want to know more about others with HSP.

This is an invitation to submit a profile on yourself for inclusion in the Community Members section of the website homepage.

Member Profiles are all about the person… where you’re from/grew up; stuff about school, sport, study/job, pets, hobbies, family, interests etc etc. Talking about your HSP is optional.

3 or 4 paragraphs is good plus digital photos. The thumbnail photo we put on the homepage is best if it shows the face clearly (we can crop and edit full-length shots of decent quality) and as well a few photos to go with the profile, that might include family, pets or hobbies.

If it would be easier, someone could call and “interview” you and write it up, subject to your approval before publishing.

You can submit your profile by e-mail. We, and the rest of the HSP community, look forward to hearing from you.

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