Private disability insurance policy

Kate would appreciate hearing from anyone who has applied for a payout on a private disability insurance policy

She writes: I would be thrilled to hear from anyone with HSP who has applied for an insurance payout because of their condition. I have an AMP trauma insurance policy and a total and permanent disability policy attached to my industry superannuation policy. I note that some hspers have had trouble getting Centrelink to recognise the condition and would be grateful to hear from anyone who has had dealings with getting insurance payouts. I will be consulting a lawyer soon and just wondered if anyone had their experience to offer.




  1. I too have AMP trauma insurance and have been trying to obtain some kind of payout myself. This has been ongoing since last December and the latest thing is that they are requesting me to see one of their doctors, who will probably never have heard of my condition, but I will take all evidence I have so far, including MRI’s, doctors letters, reports etc and see what comes of it. Let me know if involving a solicitor makes any difference. 🙄

  2. Hi Debbie
    Thanks for your prompt response. I will let you know how I go. I am just at the start of this process. I understand it can take months. I think it’s a good idea that you have all of the medical info to start your claim – giving the insurer less reason to delay the assessment process. I have a friend who is making a claim for early-onset Parkinson’s – so far it has taken nine months! It seems that the more medical evidence you present them with the less they can ask for! Are you working? If so, it might also be worth examining the possibility of claiming Total and Permanent Disablement through your work superannuation policy. I intend to.
    Thanks again

  3. Beware of the limitations of claiming Total and Permanent Disablement through super. Some only provide cover for 2 years. Also it is useful to have a lawyer if you can afford it. You need someone in your corner when taking on a big insurer. I agree the more evidence the better.

  4. Hi Kate
    I have had success in two claims for TPD payouts, even though I do not have any solid diagnosis. I have progressive spastic paraplegia which has been slowly progressing from 2000 but it has only been the last two years where I have been unable to work. Fortunately my GP advised me early in the saga to document as much as I could regarding doctors, specialists, other allied health carers and anyone else I consulted, the stages of my physical regression, all my MRIs, CTs, x-rays etc, which I collated into a summarised medical history.
    I went through lawyers due to the lack of a definitive diagnosis as well having had some exposure to insurance companies in other sectors. It was very, very worthwhile doing this as the insurance companies take it a bit more seriously straight from the beginning.
    My medical history saved several months of investigative research by both my lawyers and the doctors representing BT and Asgard though it still took over 12 months to finalise my claims.
    I was also successful in getting a partial payment from my superannuation
    Tip 1 – Get as much of your history and documentation together yourself before getting started
    Tip 2 – Engage a lawyer

    Good luck

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