Prof Carolyn Sue is a neurologist who combines clinical work seeing patients with research work on a number of neurodegenerative conditions, including HSP. Carolyn has been a Co-Principal Investigator on the HSP Research Program since the beginning in 2008. She has collaborated closely on research projects with Prof Alan Mackay-Sim over many years. After graduating from medical school at the University of New South Wales, Carolyn did her Ph.D. at the University of Sydney before taking on post-doctoral studies at Columbia University in New York.
Carolyn set up a research laboratory at the Kolling Institute of Medical Research in Sydney in 2000, which is where the focus of current studies in the HSP Research Program lies. She became the Executive Director of the Institute in 2017. On the clinical side, Carolyn established a specialist HSP clinic at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney for the advanced diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of people with HSP. The clinic quickly rose to prominence as a referral centre on HSP for neurologists and other medical professionals around the country.