Developed by Dr Tom Clouse
Dr. Tom Clouse was a general surgeon in the US who lost his career to a neurodegenerative disorder called spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) that is like (and difficult to distinguish from) HSP in many respects. As with everyone with this type of disorder, his mobility was steadily declining. The condition affected his speech as well.
Using his knowledge as a doctor and working by himself through trial and error, he found ways to make significant positive changes to his movement ability and his life.
Tom has for many years run workshops and taught people what he has learned throughout the US and internationally. He has a website, a YouTube channel and a book. Tom says “I just completed uploading all the instructional videos (42) that I currently have to my new YouTube channel. I made these videos specifically for people with a neurodegenerative disorder/movement impairment, which is what I have as well. The access to them is completely free”.
There is a wealth of information in these videos, and all of it is on a practical and user-friendly level.
So check out the videos, click the ‘Like’ and ‘Subscribe’ buttons to help this new content achieve sufficient YouTube ranking for others to find it.