Revolutionary new wheelchair

Operated hands-free by body movement


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Imagine a wheelchair that’s faster, smaller and lighter weight than the others. Now imagine that wheelchair being hands-free and operated as the rider shifts or rotates in any direction.


Physiotherapists are enthusiastic about the need to use the core abdominal muscles when using this wheelchair because of the potential for improving core strength and stamina. This is all possible with the Ogo Wheelchair.


It’s a wheelchair built on a Segway base by a New Zealand inventor who says that with larger wheels, this wheelchair becomes an all terrain vehicle that will do 20km/hr on beach sand. He says that in this wheelchair, disabled riders will be able to push a lawn mower again, and while this idea might not excite you, this is a game changer!

The Ogo Technology website says, “We are currently in the pre-production set up, and are expected to be up and going soon”.

Learn more in these short YouTube videos.



1 comment

  1. Grant here I was wondering what sort of price are they going to be? It sure would be handy with the

    lawn I have to use a hand trolley with the mower at the moment it takes a bit of extra time thanks

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