

My name is Roger Simpson and I am 41 years old and live in the suburb of Mount Eliza, Victoria which is on the Mornington Peninsula. I am married to Simone and have three kids, Larni (7), Ryan (5) and Paige (3). Both myself and Ryan have HSP which I was passed from my father.

My symptoms of the disease are minor at the moment but I know will progress in time. Ryan is more progressed and is a little disorganised when he runs. He will be starting some botox therapy at some stage this year.


Roger and wife Simone
Roger and wife Simone

I enjoy swimming, running and the occasional bike ride when I can fit it in. I own my own business which is in the wholesale of Beer and Wine. It is a very tough business but rewarding as we seem to be growing every year.

I have had the opportunity of doing some fantastic events in my life to date. Some highlights include running a half marathon, competing in Olympic distance triathlons, hundreds of games of competitive golf and tennis to name a few.

It is why I recently swam the Rottnest Channel swim to raise money to assist in finding a cure for the HSP disease. I think that there is some light at the end of the tunnel and I am sure that if we all keep focused on raising money to fund research we will one day find a cure.

Regards Roger.

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