Rooty Hill HSP social

Enjoyable lunch & get-together

HSPers enjoying a chat

Following the community contact initiative earlier in the year, quite a few in the group of call volunteer Brendon Flood got together on Sunday November 20 at Rooty Hill RSL and socialised over a very enjoyable lunch. This was the first time most of those attending had met, but people were soon interacting as if they had known each other for quite some time.


The group at lunch

The get-together provided an opportunity for HSPers to socialise in a relaxing place, to share the ways HSP is affecting them and to discuss problems they are encountering. As well, some there plan to maintain contact with each other. One HSPer commented “It was good to hear the chat about managing symptoms, time of onset and so on”.


A mystery donor offered to match the amount people paid for their food and drinks and as a result $380 has been donated to the Foundation. People said that they were already looking forward to the next get-together, which will be held in February.

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