Rural Fire Service volunteer with HSP

Challenges faced with the bushfires


Christopher Hardey

YOUNG Christopher Hardey hasn’t let a few of life’s setbacks stop him being an active and valued community member in his role with the Lennox Head Rural Fire Service.

Mr Hardey, 20, was born with a debilitating and progressive neurological disorder called Spastic Paraplegia that weakens his legs.

He was also diagnosed with autism.

At 18 and unsure which direction to take after his physical disability prevented him having a career with the army, Mr Hardey decided to volunteer at his local RFS.

With aspirations to become an RFS crew leader, he said the most memorable experience in his career so far was being involved in fighting the recent Wardell and New Italy bushfires.

“It was interesting to say the least,” Mr Hardey said.

“There was a couple of times the wind changed – it was scary in a way – you are on the frontline.

“But it was really humbling to help to protect people and their homes. It was quite a hectic fire season.”


Read the full story


SOURCE: Ballina Shire Advocate, 16 March 2020

Young RFS volunteer overcomes challenging steps

By Francis Witsenhuysen


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