Social gathering in Brisbane

HSPers meet over dinner


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In early Febuary, 11 HSPers together with family and friends, 20 in all, gathered for a meal and the opportunity to socialise and share their experiences in a relaxed atmosphere at the Catalina Restaurant, Novotel Brisbane Airport. It was a great occasion, well received and enjoying, with feedback that it would be to hold future events on a regular basis.


People’s comments were very positive – sharing great conversations on a wide range of experiences; will have to do it again; definitely worth the trip; great to sit, chat and laugh; excellent evening with a great bunch of people.


Committee member, Ken Price, who had a hand in organising the get-together, said “I was pleased and excited with the attendance, and really enjoyed the light-hearted manner that everyone, including carers, displayed in chatting about their individual experiences with HSP.



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Let’s hope that more can join in next time and that HSP community members in other parts of the country get something like this going locally. Facebook can be a good way to float the idea and the Foundation can email community members in the locality, like they did for us, to let people know about a social gathering”.

1 comment

  1. Thanks to everybody that made the effort to come to the Brisbane Gathering, I really enjoyed meeting everyone and it was lovely with the light conversations and friendships that were made.

    So far we have also had successful HSP Gatherings in Canberra, Melbourne and last weekend in Illawarra. Very impressed with Melbourne having another Gathering on the 1st May. Any community members who are interested in coming to the Melbourne gathering please make contact via the Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Australian Support Group via Facebook 😛

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