SP Foundation (US) research funding awards

Over $1 million goes to 7 projects

[Fremont, CA.] – The Spastic Paraplegia Foundation (SP-Foundation) announces that more than $1 Million has been awarded to medical researchers and investigators. The SP-Foundation completed its annual grant award process choosing the highest-ranking medical research proposals studying HSP and PLS.  After the review of the SPF Scientific Advisory Board, the SP-Foundation committed $1,015,000 to the seven research projects as follows:
Dr. Peter Bede – Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland – TITLE: Characterizing infratentorial pathology in PLS: the longitudinal evaluation of spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellar pathology in vivo
– LAYMAN TITLE: The systematic characterization of spinal cord, cerebellar and brainstem alterations in PLS  
Dr. Marka van Blitterswijk – Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL – TITLE: Revealing determinants of PLS with long-read sequencing
– LAYMAN TITLE: Drivers of PLS  
Dr. Frédéric Darios and Dr. Alexandra  Durr – ICM-Paris Brain Institute, Paris, France – TITLE: Modulation of mitochondrial function as a modifier of SPG4 physiopathology
– LAYMAN TITLE: Investigating a modifier of SPG4 physiopathology to develop new therapeutic strategy  
Dr. Jonathan Howard – Yale University, New Haven, CT – TITLE: CT Roles of alternate isoforms of spastin on function in vitro and in vivo
– LAYMAN TITLE: How spastin cuts and amplifies microtubules to cause HSP  
Dr. Robert La Piana – McGill University, Montréal, QC, Canada – TITLE: Identifying novel white matter diagnostic criteria and imaging biomarkers in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSPs)
– LAYMAN TITLE: Identifying new imaging diagnostic criteria in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSPs)  
Dr. Emanuela Piermarini  Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA – TITLE: Gene therapy approach for SPG4-based Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia
– LAYMAN TITLE: Treatment of SPG4-based Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia by replacing the defective gene
Dr. P. Hande Ozdinler
– Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL – TITLE: Investigation of NU-9 and its impact on upper motor neurons diseased by spastin mutations in HSP
– LAYMAN TITLE: Investigating novel drugs for HSP patients with spastin mutations

Press Release: SP Foundation, December 1, 2022

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