SP Foundation (USA) Annual Conference

And latest Synapse Newsletter


The SP Foundation in the USA hold a large Annual Conference with educational presentations. They also publish a regular newsletter, Synapse. Here is a report on both…


Annual Conference

In June 2015, the SP Foundation in the USA held their Annual Conference in Seattle Washington. Via their website you can now watch some very informative presentations.


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Dr. Corey Braastad


Corey is on Spastic Paraplegia Foundation’s Board of Directors and a scientist at Athena Diagnostics, a genetics research and testing company.


With his 60min presentation and helpful instruction, genetics will seem much more approachable.


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Dr. John Fink


John is the Foundation’s long time Medical Advisor, a neurologist and a widely acclaimed authority on HSP.


His 60min presentation is titled Advances in HSP and PLS: Small Steps – Big Strides. (Primary Lateral Sclerosis or PLS is a condition similar to HSP, which the SPF also supports). Dr. Fink’s presentation will clarify for you where progress has been made, what neurologist’s aren’t so sure about and research-wise, where we need to go next.


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Here’s the link to the current newsletter (Fall 2015)   http://sp-foundation.org/news-resources/newsletter.html

It covers the annual conference in Seattle (pages 5-9). Also, learn about the group gatherings, called Connections (pages12-13), read about getting a service dog (page 17) and lots more!




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