UK Newslink & USA Synapse

Newsletters of the UK & USA HSP groups

Read about the activities and news in the Newslink May 2010, the newsletter of the HSP Support Group in the UK, and in the Summer (USA) 2010 edition of Synapse, the newsletter of the SP Foundation in the US.

Here are some highlights…

From the UK Newslink:

  • Story of 2 HSP women who developed a friendship and borrowed scooters (including one first timer) for a shopping day.
  • There is a portable handset that is both telephone and front door intercom… for those who can’t get to the door quick enough.
  • “Afternoon Tea Region 1 & 2″… tells about researchers who found a new gene flaw… made a presentation and took blood samples for their research.

From the USA Synapse:

  • National Conference Report from the annual conference held in Los Angeles, including an inspirational keynote speech by Gary Karp… part of which he gave while juggling in his wheelchair.
  • Travel tips and advice, plus reports on research and the medical aspects of HSP.
  • The results of a survey of the US HSP community about their interests.
  • An article by a physiotherapist on how to breathe properly and an insightful article on Caregiving and Helping.

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