Read what other groups are doing:
The newsletters of the US support group the Spastic Paraplegia Foundation and the UK Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Support Group are now published.
The Winter 2018 edition of Synapse contains the following highlights:
Over $200,000 was raised in 2017, which was matched by an anonymous donor, leading to a grand total of over $400,000.
15 grant proposals were received by the November deadline. These have gone to the Scientific Advisory Board for review.
There is a joint letter by President of the SP Foundation, Frank Davis, and Australian counterpart Frank McKeown, President of the HSP Research Foundation discussing the ongoing relationship and collaboration between the two foundations.
The February 2018 edition of HSP Newslink features the amazing Lily Rice, the UK teenager who became the first female in Europe to do a wheelchair backflip… a truly inspiring story.
The work of Prof Andrew Crosby at Exeter University to develop a blood test for HSP is discussed. Such a blood test would look for biochemical signals, with the possibility of being able to test whether people might develop HSP.
There are stacks of other articles and news items in both newsletters. Just click on the images above to download the full newsletters.