Workshop Sessions DVD

HSPRF Workshop Sessions 2006 – DVD now available!

The Sessions from the HSP Research Foundation Workshop held in Sydney last September are now available on DVD.  Members and supporters will receive their own DVD of the 2006 Workshop Sessions in the mail soon if they haven’t already.

The Sessions:

  1. HSP the Disease and Recent Developments: Prof. Garth Nicholson
  2. HSP Gene Testing Project – Aims, Methods and Progress: Dr. Marina Kennerson
  3. Gene Therapy and Possible Applications to HSP: Dr. Tanya Applegate
  4. Stem Cells Panel: Prof. Nicholson and Dr. Applegate
  5. Physiotherapy for HSP with emphasis on Alignment and Movement: Lea McQuade, B. Phys.

Slide presentations were made during the first three sessions.  They can be difficult to see on the DVD but are available right here:

  1. HSP the Disease and Recent Developments (PowerPoint; 664KB)
  2. HSP Gene Testing Project (pdf document; 796KB)
  3. Gene Therapy and Possible Applications to HSP (pdf document; 940KB)

Email us to inquire about Workshop Sessions DVDs.