Raises awareness of HSP and the Foundation
A meeting of Neurologists and Neurogeneticists from across Sydney was held earlier in September to update the group on ataxias, spastic paraplegias and molecular diagnosis of spastic paraplegias. HSPRF President, Robin Bligh, was invited to speak to the gathering about the Foundation and its achievements.
High level of interest
Robin commented after the evening that many of the forty or so attendees did not know we existed and it was great of Prof. Garth Nicholson to provide this opportunity for exposure. The interest level in what we have done and are doing is high. There was a healthy discussion after the meeting about improving the connection between “lay groups” like ours. It was suggested that the neurologists’ website (ANZAN) publish the websites of the relevant patient groups so a new patient can be readily referred to the patient group. Action has been initiated.