International logo for HSP

Shared identity for HSPers everywhere


Back at the end of March, most people in the HSP community received an invitation to have your say and vote for one of 6 designs for a universal HSP logo. Over 700 HSPers on 3 continents and in 5 languages cast their vote and a clear winner emerged.


Univ fullsize


All the national HSP support groups, this Foundation included, have our own logos… they all look different, some are in different languages and they primarily identify the group. This new universal HSP logo is just about HSP, the medical condition, and the shared vision of finding an effective treatment for it.

So the new HSP logo will sit alongside the Foundation logo on the website, on letterhead… pretty much anywhere one logo appears, the other one will be there as well from now on. Support groups in nine countries have agreed to adopt the logo.

Its purpose is to provide a single identity for everyone with HSP everywhere.

As a global HSP community, we need to present a single, unified face to the world aimed at improving public awareness and recognition of HSP and signifying to researchers, the pharmaceutical industry and regulators that we are aligned, organised and businesslike, and will make good partners in the quest to find a cure for HSP.

This is everyone’s logo, voted for by people in HSP communities around the world… embrace it!


  1. This is a wonderful symbol for moving forward. I wish I had a bumper sticker with the
    new logo. 🙂

  2. Is there any chance of getting these done in sticker form to put on cars, there is still a lot of people, including some hospitals that are unaware what HSP is.

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