Two-thirds of the way to the target
The annual end of financial year fundraising campaign in June brought in around $35,000 this year, which is about average for this campaign.
The number of people giving has grown at pace with the increase in community size, which is good, however well over half of community members have never given anything. We know that many people do it tough and struggle to make ends meet, but we feel sure there is a significant percentage out there who could find a way to give something if they put in the effort. After all, it is an investment in the future of everyone with HSP, especially younger family members and the generations to come.
Early in the year we had around $5,000 come in, then the $35,000 from the major campaign, and recently two separate fund raising events organised by individual HSP community members have brought in $3,000 and $5,000 respectively… both fabulous efforts! (see separate articles in this News section)
So, currently we have just over $48,000 banked already for the year against our target of $75,000, which is about two-thirds of the way there.
Let’s all resolve to do what’s needed so that we can achieve our target with the Christmas giving campaign in December.
And a huge, sincere, Thank You! to all who have given so generously so far this year.