Learning hand-control driving

Danger of license cancellation


HSP community member Mick MacInante has a warning for anyone learning hand-control driving to beware of possible cancellation of their driving license while learning Hand Control.


The licensing authority in my state (NSW) apply a “one size fits all” policy to drivers learning Hand Control… they cancel your license.  This was not appropriate or necessary in my case, and it would not be for many HSPers.

If you have been driving conventionally, inform the relevant State authority and your occupational therapist that you don’t want your conventional license cancelled until you have successfully completed the test for Hand Control driving and have your new licence.




  1. I did lose my licence when learning to drive with hand controls – I am in 2 minds about this – it can be inconvenient as you have to rely on someone to drive you anywhere, however if you are learning to drive with your hands it is confusing and would take longer to adjust to using just your hands and hand controls. Be prepared and try and get your licence as quick as possible. It is also a costly exercise-lessons and the conversion.

  2. I was thinking that I may have to get hand controls further on I heard something about you lose your car licence and need a hand control licence, I have a car a 4 wheeldrive it hasn’t done many Klms ,do I get another one or keep this one I would rather get something newer converted to hand controls,I had a look for a person not much luck that could do it near Kew Vic.

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